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How much does the Riviera Lounge weigh?

The Riviera Lounge weighs 5.6 lbs and holds up to 400 pounds.

How much weight does the Riviera Lounge hold?

Our Riviera Lounge  has been thoroughly tested. It has been rated to support weights up to 400 lbs.

How do I set up the Riviera Lounge?

Riviera Lounge sets up in seconds. Follow these steps to set yours up:. 1. Undo the Velcro strap. 2. Allow spring-loaded legs to unfold and click into place. 3. Extend each arm until you hear it click. Make sure 6 silver pins are locked into place (2

How do I fold the Riviera Lounge?

To take-down your Riviera Lounge, follow these steps:. 1. Press the silver pins on the arms and collapse them. The back arms have 2 buttons each and the front arms have 1. 2. Press the button on the bottom of the magic hub and let the legs swing up.

Does the Riviera Lounge come with a bag?

Yes, each Riviera Lounge comes with its own extra bag.

Does Riviera Lounge come with a cupholder?

The Riviera Lounge is cupholder compatible, but the cupholder is sold separately. Click here to purchase.