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How much does the EpiQ Lounge weigh?

The EpiQ Lounge weighs 6.5 lbs and holds up to 400 pounds.

How do I set up the EpiQ Lounge?

EpiQ Lounge sets up in seconds:. Unclip the buckles on the bag and pull the EpiQ Lounge out of the bag. Undo the Velcro strap around the chair. Allow the spring-loaded legs to unfold and CLIQ into place. Extend each arm until you hear it click. Make

How do I fold the EpiQ Lounge?

To fold the EpiQ Lounge you need to follow the steps below:. If you have the comfort cinch on the back tightened, loosen it. Push the silver pins on the back arms and collapse them. The back arms have 2 buttons each and the front arms have 1. Press t

How many pins does the EPIQ Lounge have?

The EpiQ Lounge has 6 spring pins.  One each on front arms. Two each on rear arms.

Does the EpiQ Lounge come with a Bag?

Yes, each EpiQ Lounge comes with its own bag included.

What makes the EpiQ Lounge different from the original Lounge?

The new EpiQ Lounge is different from the original CLIQ Lounge in that it has a:. EpiQ Lounge. vs. CLIQ Lounge.